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Calendar of Events


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Beth El Circles: Israel Circle Meeting with Speaker Alex Bruner

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us to share a discussion with Alex Bruner, fellow member. Topic: "Long Ago I was a Red Pioneer: A Journey from Communism to the Jewish People" Join this Circle to explore the Israel Circle with guest speakers, deep discussion and engagement with the happenings in a land that has one foot in the ancient […]

Brotherhood: Men’s Humor “Seder”

Temple Beth El - Schaefer Family Campus 333 SW 4th Avenue, Boca Raton, FL, United States

Jews have contributed considerably to comedy over the years so we’ve decided to try something a little different and host a Humor “Seder” on Thursday, April 14.  Think of it as a pre-gaming the Passover holiday and getting in a few laughs before we go into Matzo lockdown! Featuring comedian Danny "DTJ" Fineman. Danny “DTJ” […]

Second Night Passover Seder with Rabbi Dan Levin and Cantor Lori Brock

Temple Beth El - Schaefer Family Campus 333 SW 4th Avenue, Boca Raton, FL, United States

Join Rabbi Dan and Cantor Lori for a second night Seder with fun for all ages. Join us for interactive schtick and song as we retell the Passover story and enjoy a wonderful meal catered by Artisan Foods.Prices as of Friday, April 1Temple Beth El Members:Adult $90/person, Children $60/person (ages 3-10), Children $30 (under 3)Guests:Adult […]

Beth El Circles: Israel Circle Meeting with Speaker Alex Bruner

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us for a performance of Tap Dancing Through Auschwitz  at Boca Black Box in memory of Yom HaShoah. Join this Circle to explore the Israel Circle with guest speakers, deep discussion and engagement with the happenings in a land that has one foot in the ancient past and one in the limitless future and always […]

Beth El Circles: Singles Circle Meeting

Whether you are newly single or have always been, join other single members of Temple Beth El to make new friends and connections. Have an opportunity to share stories with each other and maybe play some Jewish Geography. Join the Singles Circle to be a part of this meeting. The meeting location will be sent […]

Beth El Circles: LGBTQ+ Circle Meeting

Temple Beth El - Schaefer Family Campus 333 SW 4th Avenue, Boca Raton, FL, United States

Join us for a meet & greet dinner and then head over Temple to enjoy Shabbat Evening Services together. Join the LGBTQ+ Circle to be a part of this meeting. The meeting information will be sent to members of the LGBTQ+ Circle. Temple Beth El Members can sign up to be part of a Circle here.

Boca Helps Ukraine

Donate Coats and Funds for the Winter Led by our congregant Mariya Kemper-Reiss, Boca Helps Ukraine has teamed up with Temple Beth El to accept donations to help displaced families in Ukraine. Donate to the Temple's Disaster Relief Fund to help buy warm coats. Boca Helps Ukraine is currently accepting donations of new and gently […]

Beth El Circles: Technology – Today and Tomorrow Circle Meeting

Do you like to explore the "internet of things"; how technology is applied to our everyday world in different fields such as medicine, manufacturing, climate control, logistics and more. Join this Circle to hear from speakers from different industries and share knowledge and ideas, while making new Temple Beth El friends. Join the Technology - […]