Welcome to High Holy Days at Temple Beth El! We are so excited to celebrate with you.
Rosh HaShanah begins the evening of Wednesday, October 2.
All High Holy Day Services will be held at Temple Beth El’s Schaefer Family Campus. Click here for more information.
All High Holy Day services will be held at the Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus! Many services will be held simultaneously in the Sanctuary (for Temple Beth El members and their guests) and the Chapel (for non-members), both at the Schaefer Family Campus. Tickets are required. There are NO High Holy Day services at FAU.
There is so much work behind the scenes that we cannot do without the help of volunteers. We have set up flexible time slots to allow you to continue to worship with your family. Thank you so much for being a part of our High Holy Day Services. Click here to sign up to be an usher.
Tickets are required for all of our in-person services, unless otherwise stated. All tickets will be requested online and all tickets will be electronic.
Tickets for High Holy Day services are complimentary with Temple Beth El membership for all members listed on your account. Members must request tickets in order to receive them, and must be current on their financial obligations to the temple by Monday, September 23 to be able to use them.
Temple Beth El members and their guests will be invited to worship in the Rabbi Merle E. Singer Sanctuary at the Schaefer Family Campus.
Members are able to register for their complimentary tickets now.
Non-Member tickets for High Holy Day services are $180, and include both Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. A ticket allows you to attend as many services for each holiday as you would like.
Non-Members will be invited to worship in the Chapel, located at the Schaefer Family Campus.
Registration for Non-Member High Holy Day tickets opens on Monday, August 19.
Note: Non-member tickets are limited and will likely sell out.
Non-member ticket registration for Congregational Worship services is closed. Click here to sign up for the waitlist.
Without tickets, non-members are welcome to attend services for Rosh HaShanah Day 2 at 10:00 am on Friday, October 4, and/or Yom Kippur Afternoon Services with Yizkor at 4:00 pm on Saturday, October 12. Non-members are also welcome to watch our High Holy Day services online on Virtual Beth El.
Non-members are also welcome to register for tickets to our Family Participation services, which are geared for children ages 8 through early teens, and include family-friendly liturgy, beautiful music, and a festive, participatory feeling. Click here to register for non-member tickets for Family Participation services.
Temple Beth El guest registration for Yom Kippur Congregational Worship Services has reached capacity and is now closed.
Non-members are welcome to:
High Holy Day Services will also be available on Virtual Beth El (Facebook, YouTube, and Livestream on our website). Click on the Virtual Services page for more information. There is no registration for our virtual services.
Please contact Debbie Eisenberg at 561-247-4714 or [email protected] for general information regarding High Holy Days, or call the main Temple line at 561-391-8900.
If you are a Temple Member and need assistance logging in to your ShulCloud account, you can click the “Forgot Password” button on the login page, or if you still need assistance, you can contact Janice Odesnik, Database Manager, at [email protected].
Temple Beth El is a reform synagogue that welcomes those who are seeking to live and support a modern Jewish life. Our mission is to enrich lives by generating bonds of love through exceptional Jewish experiences.
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