Chavurot is a Hebrew word meaning “groups of friends”.
WHO? – Temple Beth El members in similar life stages.
WHAT? – A Chavurah: a group of friends who have a great time getting together for social and Jewish activities.
WHERE? – Groups can go anywhere and do anything. Sit together for Shabbat Services, hit up happy hour, plan a game night or social action project, celebrate a holiday, check out a new restaurant – it’s up to you!
WHEN? – Each Chavurah makes their own plans and decides as a group when they’ll get together.
HOW? – Our staff organize and support all the Chavurot, and each Chavurah has a Group Leader, a participant who volunteers to help guide their group.
WHY? – Life is better when we do it together! A Chavurah is a fun way to connect with your existing temple friends, find new ones, or both.
WHAT’S NEXT? – Join a Chavurah! Click here to participate or contact Rachael Rand.
Perks include special programs and resources, opportunities to spend quality time with our clergy, an option for a reserved table at most temple meals, and the fun of having your group, your “tribe” within our Temple Beth El community.
If you have any questions, contact Rachael Rand at [email protected] or 561-391-8900 ext. 3178.
Complete this short registration form to be “matched up” with other members in a Chavurah! All new members and existing congregants are invited to take advantage of this fun, comfortable way to expand your connections within Temple Beth El.
Contact Rachael Rand at [email protected] for more information.
Temple Beth El is a reform synagogue that welcomes those who are seeking to live and support a modern Jewish life. Our mission is to enrich lives by generating bonds of love through exceptional Jewish experiences.
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