Founded in 1967, Temple Beth El is one of the largest Reform congregations in the southeastern United States. We make it a priority to create a welcoming, intimate atmosphere because we cherish each and every congregant as an important part of our synagogue family. Temple Beth El is comprised of two beautiful campuses in Boca Raton, Florida, one located at 333 SW 4th Avenue and the other at 9800 Yamato Road.
We offer an Early Learning Center with preschool and full-time child care care for babies as young as two months, Religious School and Youth Group activities for grades K-12, educational opportunities for all ages, wonderful clergy available for life-cycle events and more, inspiring religious services for Shabbat and all holidays, a variety of groups and committees dedicated to making connections with each other and contributing to our community at large. We are fortunate enough to be able to provide an eternal resting place on sacred ground in our Mausoleum.
We happily welcome all who are interested in becoming members of Temple Beth El. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, color, sexual orientation, age, or disability and warmly embrace everyone who enters our community. We dedicate ourselves to being particularly supportive of interfaith families, Jews by choice, and LGBTQ+ families.
Membership at Temple Beth El is a priceless gift which you give to yourself and your family. As members, you facilitate your involvement in a warm, committed, caring family dedicated to Jewish life, learning and community.
You can provide your children with a Jewish education, celebrate meaningful moments in your life, mourn the passing of a loved one, or simply embrace the spirituality and traditions that are at the heart of Judaism all within the warm embrace of our congregation.
Specifically, our members are entitled to: services of the clergy for life-cycle events (weddings, baby naming, funerals, etc.), counseling and support from our clergy in the case of an illness or family difficulty, worship services and celebrations, High Holy Days (tickets included), voting privileges, continuing education courses and all Temple programs and activities.
At Temple Beth El, we pride ourselves on making membership accessible to as many people as possible, through a broad range of membership categories. There is no separate building fund or facilities maintenance fee. If any current or prospective member is facing serious financial difficulties, assistance is available. Email Elinor Josephson, Director of Engagement and Programming, or call 561-391-8900.
Our Director of Engagement and Programming, Elinor Josephson or our Congregational Engagement Coordinator, Rachael Rand will explain our simple application process, discuss all aspects of Temple membership, answer any questions you may have and help you begin integrating into our Temple family. In addition, any of our friendly staff and clergy would be more than happy to talk with you about the wonderful programs and meaningful experiences you’re sure to find here at Temple Beth El.
We would love you to attend one of our many events or Shabbat services. We know that you will come away feeling engaged, included and connected. Temple Beth El is truly a special community and we invite you to become part of our caring and supportive family.
Temple Beth El is a reform synagogue that welcomes those who are seeking to live and support a modern Jewish life. Our mission is to enrich lives by generating bonds of love through exceptional Jewish experiences.
View a schedule of regular
services here >