The interactive Susan & Barry Podolsky Community Recognition Wall, located in the Grand Hallway at the Schaefer Family Campus in Boca Raton and online here, offers searchable profiles including photos, videos and historical information about donors, volunteers, and our temple. It’s a wonderful, high-tech way to get to know people in the congregation and to recognize everyone who has contributed to making Temple Beth El so beautiful and inspiring.
Below is a web version of the Community Recognition Wall that you can access on any desktop or laptop computer. When you enter this page, the interactive features of the Wall may take UP TO TWO MINUTES to load. It was created for a touchscreen, so you will need to click using your mouse to navigate. More detailed instructions are below the screen.
We hope you enjoy!
The Community Recognition Wall is updated at the beginning of every month, and is consistently a work in progress. If you see any errors or discrepancies, please contact Derek Hurwitch, Development Director, at [email protected].
Temple Beth El is a reform synagogue that welcomes those who are seeking to live and support a modern Jewish life. Our mission is to enrich lives by generating bonds of love through exceptional Jewish experiences.
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