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Standing Up For Our Future: An Evening With Ted Deutch, CEO, American Jewish Committee

Boca Raton, FL (February 13, 2024) Temple Beth El of Boca Raton invites the community to register to attend Standing Up For Our Future, An Evening with Ted Deutch, CEO, American Jewish Committee (AJC) on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm at their Schaefer Family Campus in east Boca Raton.

Since the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel, AJC CEO Ted Deutch has been on national news and speaking to government leaders around the world standing up for the Jewish people. Ted Deutch is one of our communities’ best spokespeople for addressing the safety and security of the State of Israel and the rise of antisemitism here in the United States.

Rabbi Greg Weisman of Temple Beth El says,  “From south Florida to the halls of Congress and now to the global community, Ted Deutch has been a passionate advocate for the Jewish people. As CEO of AJC, Ted has stood up for the State of Israel and the Jewish people with conviction and passion, and we are thrilled to be welcoming him to Temple Beth El, where he will share with us what he has heard and seen and what lies ahead.”

Join us for this informative evening of honest  conversation about what is happening in our towns, on college campuses, in the halls of governments, and in Israel. Learn how we all can work together to protect the future of the Jewish people.

Registration is required at

$10 general admission/Free for Students with valid I.D.

For more information, please call the temple at 561-391-8900.


Ted Deutch, a lifelong Jewish and pro-Israel activist, assumed the role of CEO of American Jewish Committee (AJC) on October 1, 2022. The American Jewish Committee (AJC) is a global advocacy organization for the Jewish people. They stand up for the Jewish people, the State of Israel, and the democratic values that unite us all. Ted joined AJC following more than 12 years of service in the United States House of Representatives, representing Broward and Palm Beach Counties in Florida.

In Congress, Ted served as chair of the House Ethics Committee, a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, and a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which he served as chair of the Middle East, North Africa, and Global Counterterrorism Subcommittee. He collaborated closely with members on both sides of the aisle to advance the security interests of the United States, Israel, and their allies. Ted authored legislation advancing U.S.-Israel cooperation in energy, agriculture, technology, and trade; fought back against efforts to delegitimize Israel at the United Nations; championed U.S. foreign aid investments that promote global human rights and the protection of religious minorities worldwide; and focused on the transformational opportunities made possible by the Abraham Accords. He also passed federal legislation to crack down on companies that financially support Iran’s nuclear weapons program and confront Iran’s dangerous activities around the world.

As a founding co-chair of the House Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism, Ted spoke passionately on the House floor, confronting colleagues who invoked antisemitic tropes or disparaged Israel. In response to rising hatred on social media, he helped launch an inter-parliamentary coalition to combat online antisemitism with legislators from Canada, Israel, the United Kingdom, and Australia. And when the Claims Conference was negotiating with the German government, Ted met with Chancellor Angela Merkel to plead for greater assistance to permit Holocaust survivors to live out their lives in dignity.

Ted also served as co-chair of the Congressional Hellenic-Israel Alliance, as well as a member of the Congressional Caucus on Black-Jewish Relations, the Latino-Jewish Congressional Caucus, and AJC’s Transatlantic Friends of Israel inter-parliamentary group.

Ted has long championed the priorities of the Jewish community, from his summers at Camp Ramah to his Israel activism at the University of Michigan and Michigan Law School, where he chaired the Hillel Governing Board. He later served as a lay leader with the Jewish Federations of Cleveland and South Palm Beach County, and as a member of both UJA’s National Young Leadership Cabinet and AIPAC’s National New Leadership Network.


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