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Technical Support
Beth El Technology Help

As we  use technology to connect us all,  some of the terms and ways of connecting may be unfamilair. Here is some information and support regarding all the technologies we are using at Virtual Beth El.

If you still need technology assistance, you can call our technology support line at 561-320-2060 and someone will be able to help you.


Many of our virtual events will be happening live directly from our Livestreaming page.

You just need to go to the page when they are happening to view them live!

Once a scheduled livestream begins, please make sure to hit the play button to watch as it’s happening.

If you miss it live, that’s okay!

All the videos are archived on the page for you to watch anytime after.


Many of our virtual events will be happening live directly from our Facebook page.

You do not need a Facebook account to access our Facebook Live videos.

You just need to go to our Facebook page when they are happening to view them live.

If you miss them when they are live, that’s okay!

All the videos are archived here for you to watch anytime after.


Many of our virtual events will be happening live directly from our YouTube Channel.

You do not need a YouTube account to access our YouTube videos.

You just need to go to our YouTube Channel when they are happening to view them live.

If you miss them when they are live, that’s okay!

All the videos are archived on our Archive page for you to watch anytime after.


Our Shabbat Evening Services and other services are also available by phone.

If you would like to call in to listen to Shabbat Evening Services, call 561-286-5151 any time they are live.

Click here to view our service schedule.


Zoom is another online service we are using for some of our Virtual Beth El events, classes and worshops. Zoom is a little different because sometimes you can also be a particpant and not just a viewer. Zoom also lets you see the other particpants.

How to Join a Zoom Meeting or Webinar
  1. We recommend getting yourself set up early. If you haven’t used Zoom before, you’ll need to download the free Zoom software (or app, if you’re on a smartphone or tablet). It’s called “Zoom Client for Meetings.” It would be a good idea to download it in advance here. (You can find where to download the mobile apps here too – just scroll down a bit.) On your computer, find “Zoom.pkg” (or something similar, like “Zoom.exe”) in your downloads and double-click it to install the application.
  2. Click the join link on the calendar page for the event you would like to attend. You’ll be prompted to open (or download) Zoom. Depending on your browser, you may see a message asking if you’d like to allow the browser to open the link in Zoom – choose “allow” or “open.” Enter your name and your email address when prompted.
  3. If you experience difficulties with the link on the event page, you can also go here and enter the meeting ID provided to you on our event calendar.
  4. Once there, if you are a bit early, just wait!
  5. It will first take you to our “Waiting Room” where the host will welcome you in.
  6. Optional: once the broadcast begins, you will see an icon toward the bottom that says “chat.” If you’d like to participate in the chat, click on the chat icon, and the chat box will appear on the right side of your screen. At the bottom of the chat box in blue, you’ll see To: “All Panelists.” The “panelists” are the leaders of the class or event you are attending. Click on “All Panelists” to bring up the menu and instead select “Everyone (in meeting)” to make your comments visible to everyone participating.
You can also join a Zoom session by phone.
To join by phone (audio only):

Dial 1 (929) 205 6099 or 1 (312) 626-6799   

When you hear “Enter your meeting ID, followed by pound,” enter the meeting ID provided to you on the event page.