Lighting Up Chanukah by Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Chanukah begins this year on the same day as Christmas. It brings to mind a very difficult time I had when I was nine years old. I was the only […]
Thoughts on Kristallnacht: From Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Kristallnacht, also referred as the “Night of Broken Glass,” occurred on November 9th and 10th in 1938, marking a fundamentally dark period in Jewish history. During these brutal nights, Nazi […]
Yom Kippur Message from Rabbi Merle E. Singer

As we approach Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we are given a unique opportunity to reflect on our lives, to seek forgiveness, and renew our commitment to living with […]
The Broken Hearted at the Holidays by Rabbi Merle E. Singer

There is Nothing More Whole Than a Broken Heart – Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk The High Holy Days are the most important days on the Jewish calendar. They also […]
You’ve Got to Believe in Magic by Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Something very important happened in my life when I was eleven years old. I was in fifth grade, and the second youngest child in a large family living in a […]
In the Words of Rabbi Singer – Issue #5
A regular blog series from Temple Beth El, bringing you moments of heart and insight from Rabbi Emeritus Merle E. Singer. Who Am I, you may ask? I am a […]
Thanksgiving in Difficult Circumstances: Rabbi Emeritus Merle E. Singer
Click here to read Rabbi Singer’s full Thanksgiving Message on his beautiful blog. Thanksgiving is a time-honored tradition that has come to represent different things to different people. At […]
A Message Regarding Israel-In the Words of Rabbi Singer
This week we faced an unfathomable reality. The situation happening in Israel is complex. Our hearts are in the east while we remain in the west, trying to comprehend the […]
Sermon by Rabbi Merle E. Singer – High Holy Days 2023/5784
Judaism, one of the world’s oldest religions, is a system of beliefs, rituals, and a profound philosophy emphasizing self-improvement and our connection with the universe. Rooted in ancient teachings, Judaism […]
In the Words of Rabbi Singer – Issue #4
A regular blog series from Temple Beth El, bringing you moments of heart and insight from Rabbi Emeritus Merle E. Singer.What would life be if it were a simple path […]