Miriam & Albert Zwick Endowment Fund
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple. Distributions of principal and interest permitted. If donors are not living or, if living, are unable to act, then Rabbi […]
Max & Leona Shustek Endowment Fund
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple
Betty C. & Norman I. Stone Religious, Edu cational & Charitable Fund
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple
Irvin Talesnick Memorial Endowment Fund
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple
Harold & Patricia Toppel Endowment Fund
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple
Ben Volen Memorial Fund
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple
Rona B. Wasserman Memorial Fund
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple
Howard & Karen Weiss Endowment Fund, in loving memory of David & Blanche Weiss
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple
Poppy Henry & Poppy Tim Fund
Assist Jewish families in our community who are in need.
Betty & Marvin Zale Endowment Fund
For the charitable, educational & religious purposes of the Temple