Covid-19 cases in our area have increased significantly in recent weeks. As a result, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) recently changed the Community Level in Palm Beach County from Medium to High. In geographic areas where community level is classified as High, the CDC recommends that individuals wear masks while indoors in public places, even if they are vaccinated.
Your health and safety is important to us, so we encourage everyone to follow CDC recommendations. However, we are not mandating masks at the present time at either the Schaefer Family Campus or the Beck Family Campus because we trust our members and guests to make these personal health decisions in a manner that most appropriately suits their individual circumstances.
Should you experience any cold or flu like symptoms, please stay home and consider getting tested for Covid. We would love to see you at Temple once you feel better.
Finally, the Temple strongly encourages everyone in our community to stay up to date with their Covid vaccines and flu vaccines.
For CDC recommendations on Covid vaccine boosters, please click here.
For CDC recommendations on Influenza vaccines, please click here.
For the latest information about the Temple’s Covid safety protocols, visit
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.
Face masks are no longer mandatory so long as the Community Level in Palm Beach County (as defined by the CDC) remains either “Low” or “Medium”. The CDC is currently listing Palm Beach County as “Medium”. You may therefore attend Shabbat services, Temple programs and life-cycle events in person without a mask regardless of your vaccination status.
Although the Temple will not deny access to those individuals unable to provide proof of vaccination due to a state law that prohibits us from doing so, we encourage all members and guests to get vaccinated. Additionally, we suggest that those who have elected to forego the COVID vaccination continue to wear a mask while at the Temple. In limited circumstances where the risk of spread is higher due to the unique nature of a particular event, the Temple reserves the right to require a negative Covid test or, alternatively, proof of vaccination, from all participants.
All capacity and physical distancing restrictions have been discontinued.
Indoor food and beverage service at Temple sponsored events may resume. We will continue to use outdoor spaces to the extent possible so that those who prefer to eat outdoors may do so. The Friday night Oneg Shabbat will continue outside in the Courtyard so long as the weather is conducive.
Please continue to check our website calendar and your e-mail for updates as these protocols may change as the situation continues to evolve. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you in person soon.
As Jews, we welcome the New Year with the call of the Shofar. Maimonides teaches us that the Shofar is a wake-up call, demanding: “Chizru BiTeshuva – Return as you seek introspection and repentance.”
The Temple leadership has decided that in addition to our outstanding livestream that will enable everyone in our community to worship safely from home, we will continue to offer IN-PERSON HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES, but with additional changes and restrictions.
All of our High Holy Day services can be accessed online. Because children under 12 cannot receive the COVID vaccine, all Young Children’s Services and our Family Participation Service can be enjoyed online only.
Here are the changes to our plans for in-person worship:
Dear Temple Beth El Family:
We have some important news to share regarding in-person High Holy Day worship services.
We believe it is in the best interest of our members, guests and staff to limit High Holy Day attendance at both Temple Beth El and FAU to 50% capacity. This will allow for adequate social distancing in each venue, and will help mitigate the risk of infection to all who are in attendance. Face coverings will be required, regardless of vaccination status. Proof of vaccination is not required, as it is prohibited by State of Florida law.
When High Holy Day ticket registration opened about a month ago, the Temple’s Covid-19 safety protocols had been mostly eliminated. There were no longer any capacity restrictions, social distancing measures had been removed, and face coverings were only required for those who were unvaccinated.
Unfortunately, the situation in Palm Beach County has declined significantly since early July, and we feel we should be judicious and cautious in our approach, while still allowing for a meaningful, in-person High Holy Day worship experience.
As a result of these new capacity protocols, a limited number of tickets will be available for each service at each venue. When you register online for tickets on our automated ticketing system, if the maximum has been reached, you will be informed that the service is “Sold Out”. You can then choose another venue or another service.
It is our expectation that certain services at Temple Beth El will sell out quickly, so we encourage you to register for tickets soon. It is also our expectation that FAU will continue to have availability because it is a much larger venue. As many of you know from past years’ experience, FAU is a wonderful and spacious venue, made to feel like home with a replica of our ark and the clergy you know and love.
We apologize for the inconvenience if you are not able to get tickets for your first choice of venue. We hope you understand that these are unprecedented times, and these difficult decisions are being made with your health and safety first and foremost in our minds. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Dear Temple Beth El Family:
I think we would all agree that just a few weeks ago, we thought the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic was behind us. Mask mandates had been lifted, businesses reopened and life was returning to normal. It was a great feeling. Unfortunately, that great feeling did not last very long.
As you are probably aware, South Florida is currently experiencing some of the highest increases in Covid infection rates and hospitalization in the United States. Palm Beach County is currently considered an “area of substantial or high transmission” as defined by the CDC
As a result, and after consulting with the medical professionals on our Covid-19 Task Force, the Temple has decided to further scale back in-person events and programs to only those that are “essential services” for our congregation and community. These are covered in more detail below, and are in place until further notice.
We are making these changes to keep our staff, students, members and guests as safe as reasonably possible, while continuing to provide the synagogue’s essential services to our congregation and community. Always check our website for the most up-to-date information on events, High Holy Days, and Covid policy updates. Like you, we hope these changes are short-lived. We will continue to keep you updated as the situation evolves.
Shabbat Evening Services
Friday Shabbat Evening Services will be VIRTUAL ONLY until further notice. We hope you will still dress in white this Friday for Camp Shabbat, and in your favorite blue jeans next Friday for Blue Jeans Shabbat!
You can follow the links to view Shabbat services on Virtual Beth El via Livestream, Facebook or YouTube.
Torah Study
Virtual Beth El only. Visit our website for information on how to join the class on Zoom, or you can view via Livestream or YouTube.
Lunch and Learn, Kol Ha N'Shama, and all other Adult Education Classes
Virtual Beth El only. Visit our website for information for how to join the class on Zoom, or you can view via Livestream or YouTube.
Religious School
As an essential service to our students as families, Religious School including Youth Group will continue to be held in-person. However, some family events will be cancelled or modified (see below).
However, Religious School Back to School Havdalah on Saturday, August 14 has been cancelled. View updated school Covid protocols for Religious School here, and the full event calendar here.
Early Learning Center
As an essential service to our students as families the Beth El Early Learning Center will continue to be held in-person. However, some family events will be cancelled or modified (see below).
However, Early Learning Center New Family Meet and Greet on Saturday, August 7 will now be a drive through event!
View updated school Covid protocols for the Early Learning Center here, and view full event calendar here.
Life Events
Weddings, funerals, baby namings, brises, and Bar and Bat Mitzvahs will continue to be held in person, but with updated Covid protocols in place, including mandatory mask-wearing.
High Holy Days including Selichot
Congregational Worship
We are still planning to hold Congregational Worship High Holy Day services in person at both Temple Beth El and FAU, with masks required . Congregational Worship Services will also be viewable at Virtual Beth El, via Livestream, YouTube or Facebook. View the complete High Holy Day schedule
Beth El Talks
Beth El Talks will be held on Virtual Beth El only.
Family Participation Services and Young Children's Services
These services will be held on Virtual Beth El only, as originally planned. View the complete High Holy Day schedule here.
High Holy Day Gift Bag and Prayer Book Pick-Up and Food Drive Drop-Off
These remain as scheduled. We will be there to meet you outside at your car, under the covered drop-off areas when you drive up to pick up or drop off! Register for the gift bag here, and view the complete schedule here.
As always, thank you for your continued support. We will continue to keep you informed of any changes as quickly as possible. For any questions, please email call the temple at 561-391-8900 on Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm.
Dear Temple Beth El Family,
Recently, the CDC has issued additional guidance given the new evidence regarding the Delta variant currently circulating in the United States. At Temple Beth El we always strive to put the health and safety of our congregation and community first. So in accordance with these new CDC guidelines, and upon the strong recommendations of medical professionals on the Temple’s Covid-19 Task Force, we will be implementing several changes to our Covid policy, effective this Friday, July 30, 2021.
We hope you will continue to join us in person and online for opportunities to worship, to learn and to connect. We will continue to keep you updated as quickly as possible with additional changes to our Covid policy, including any news regarding High Holy Days.
The following changes are effective this Friday, July 30, 2021:
Shabbat Services and Lifecycle Events
Temple Dinners and Oneg Shabbats
Temple-sponsored dinners and Oneg Shabbats will be cancelled, and will resume when it becomes safe to do so. Those who registered for Blue Jeans Shabbat dinner will receive a refund on their credit card.
Other In Person Meetings and Programs
Thank you for your ongoing support. We will continue to remain adaptable and flexible in responding to an ever evolving situation. We will continue to work hard to help keep our staff, students, members and guests as safe as possible, and keep you informed as we navigate the year ahead.
Temple Beth El is a reform synagogue seeking to inspire a passionate commitment to Jewish life, learning, community and spiritual growth.
View a schedule of regular
services here >