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Reproductive Freedom Town Hall – Vote YES on Amendment 4 Campaign Kickoff

Vote YES on Amendment 4 Campaign Kickoff

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Schaefer Family Campus or online on Virtual Beth El

Take action to restore reproductive rights in Florida!

Join us on Wednesday, September 4 to kick off our efforts to VOTE YES on Amendment 4. Learn why Reproductive Freedom is grounded in our Jewish values and what you can do to help secure this fundamental right. We will hear from our clergy, leadership from RAC-FL (Religious Action Center of the URJ), YESon4 and Men4Choice, our teen leaders, and more.

Members of our congregation and community were instrumental in collecting the signed petitions required to place Amendment 4 on the ballot in November, 2024, which will restore Reproductive Freedom in Florida if passed. Now we continue our efforts to educate and inform people to Vote YES on Amendment 4 to secure Reproductive Freedom and women’s healthcare for all.

Reproductive Freedom is a Jewish Value

Jewish tradition has consistently taught that access to abortion should not be outlawed. There is currently a 6-week abortion ban in effect in Florida.

Israel’s foremost bioethicist in the 20th century, Rabbi Eliezer Waldenberg, wrote that “we may permit an abortion…because of a ‘great need,’ and because of pain and suffering. It is irrelevant how the pain or suffering is expressed, whether physical or psychological. Indeed, psychological suffering is in many ways much greater than the suffering of the flesh.”

Our tradition always places the concern for the mother’s well-being first. The push by the State of Florida, and others around the country, to outlaw abortion extends from a belief that life begins at conception. That is a religious belief that individuals are entitled to. At the same time, our tradition teaches that the question of when life begins is not easily answered. Some sages taught that a soul enters the fetus at the moment of birth, others after 40 days, and some even at the moment of conception. Jewish tradition leaves the question of when life begins open to interpretation and relies on the conscience of individual Jews to answer that question for themselves.

If our State chooses one religious belief as the grounding for a law, it raises a deeper concern for us. We should see this moment to act in defense of our rights to act within accordance of our tradition, and to lean upon its moral conclusions, without interference from the state.

Take Action

Keep the government out of medical decisions which should be between a patient, the patient’s family, their medical provider, and their faith.

1. Attend the Reproductive Freedom Town Hall

Join us on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:30 pm to gather in solidarity and mobilize our community to VOTE YES ON AMENDMENT 4 in the November 2024 election.

2. Join the RAC-FL Phone Banks

SAVE THE DATES for upcoming phone banks with RAC-FL Every Voice Every Vote Campaign:

  • Tuesday, August 27 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm with Women of Reform Judaism
  • Tuesday, September 17 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

3. Host a Postcard Party!

Make sure voters know about this important ballot measure with a postcard pack from RAC-FL. The postcards and the talking points provided educate voters about what is at stake for reproductive freedom in Florida and why it matters. Urge voters to engage with the democratic process and VOTE YES on Amendment 4 to limit government interference with abortion access.

4. Check your Voter Registration & Vote By Mail Status

Getting enough votes to pass the amendment in the November 2024 election is key, and we need to make sure that our friends, families and community members are registered to vote. Check your own voter registration, or share the link to register with anyone you can.

5. Attend a Comedy Night Fundraiser

Attend a Comedy Night Fundraiser with comedian Matthew Broussard at The Studio at Mizner Park on September 19. A portion of the proceeds will benefit RAC-FL to support vital efforts to get every vote counted. 

Relevant Articles

Read RAC-FL Liaison Jan Fine’s Opinion Piece on the URJ Blog

“Why the Mifepristone Win Requires us to Do More to Protect Florida’s Reproductive Rights”

Read an Article by Michele Eiger,
RAC-FL State Organizer

“Florida – No, Not the Taylor Swift Song – Something Even Bigger!”

Read Rabbi Dan Levin’s Opinion Piece in the Palm Beach Post

Commentary: Religious Rights Under Threat by Florida Abortion Proposals

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